Confirmation completes baptismal grace, binds the baptized more perfectly to the church and enriches them with the special strength of the Holy Spirit, making the baptized true witnesses of Christ, obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed. [CCC, No. 1285]
Confirmation for Youth
Sacred Heart Parish begins preparation for the sacrament of confirmation in January for students in their 7th grade year and then celebrates the sacrament during the Spring of their 8th grade school year. The CHOSEN program by Ascension Press is the material used. Students attend preparation sessions and share in small group table discussion with small group leaders following a DVD lesson on a particular theme. Discipleship service and retreats are also part of the preparation process. Specifics on scheduling the date and time of the sacramental celebration are subject to the bishop's availability.
Practicing Adult Catholics who have not been Confirmed Confirmation for practicing Catholics is celebrated at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit twice yearly, on the Solemnities of Christ the King and Pentecost. Candidates may be prepared in a six week instructional series. Alternatively, candidates may choose to participate in the more comprehensive Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) at Sacred Heart. Those considering completing their initiation into the Catholic Church are invited to call the parish office for an appointment with a member of the pastoral staff.
Confirmation of New (Adult) Catholics New adult Catholics are usually confirmed during the Easter Vigil each year, following preparation through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).